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The attention of management of BEDC Asaba Region has been drawn to the alarming rate of brutal assault on its staff in line of duty by customers who deemed themselves to be above the law.

“Recently, there was unprovoked assault of a Line Worker in a team and the unlawful hostage holding of an disco who led the team against his will, at Asaba

Each customers should understand that buying of service long wire to connect properties is not the work of a disco. It is the duty of the customers to buy the correct wire size for connection to his or her property and if we come to disconnect you, we usually throw the wire back to your property, but the customers go back and call electricians to reconnect it back for them, glaring up for the inevitable, which Is as displayed by one of the customers. Shocked with the indecent scene, the armed customer is in police custody.
We preach for cooperation between the BEDC staff and customers, to enable perform their duty. Putting on a violent act by taking on cutlass, guns, etc to fight people on duty is uncalled for. BEDC Asaba Regional Head ensures customers to be of good behaviour and follow the give procedure. This is contained in a statement during the discussion with the regional head Asaba, Delta State.Mr Henry Onovwaka

The Nation Standard News reporter through The Forward New report that the management had declared zero tolerance for brutal assault of BEDC staff in line of duty, adding that any customer who perpetrated such act will henceforth be prosecuted.

The disco, who was held hostage, was only released following intervention of the law enforcement agents,” he said.

Mr Henry Onovwaka added that the management of BEDC condemns the actions of the customers and warned against future attacks of staff on lawful duties

He appealed to aggrieved customers to visit BEDC office for any complaint and they will be attended to.

Mr Henry said that BEDC is committed to providing quality service to its esteemed customers at all times.

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