



It is important for us, especially in our nation today to learn and imbibe the value of celebrating that which is good. We must sincerely celebrate the success of those whose works and achievements bequeath our country positively. Such kind of people, because of their adventurous successes recorded, gains the admiration of all and sundry. Awards are bestowed on them by different organizations; not because of their position or fame in the society but because of their positive impact. This is no different story with Ambassador Valentine Chukwuma, The Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director Dand & Jec Ventures, Asaba, Delta State, as his integrity in service recently earned him Meritorious Service Honours Award.

The amiable personality in a person of absolute honesty, a philanthropist and an intellectual veniality to the core. A man of honour and distinction, not only full of ideas, but of courage. Amb. Valentine Chukwuma remains simple, a team worker, a man with fear of God, a family builder, a strategist, and a born Christian , refusing to be intoxicated by the abundant power and prestige that so with his position. He is transparent, hardworking and diligent personality who has a zero tolerance for corruption.

A man that believes in goal getting and never sets discouraged or overwhelmed by challenges. ‘’Shakespeare’’ in one of his books said that some people are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness entrust on them and so Amb. Valentine Chukwuma has greatness entrusted on him. His life achievements revolve ground humidity; hence he does not blow his trumpet. His humility, sincerity of purpose and industry eminently lifted him up because of his selfless service to humanity and adventurous.

A man who never leaves any stone unturned, rather footprints that which prosperity will rejoice for, all to the glory of God and Service to mankind. He is happily married to a beautiful wife and blessed with children. His relationship with his staff are very cordially, all working as a team to achieve a common purpose. God is supreme to everyone and no one can do without him.

Hear Him:

The Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director Dand & Jec Ventures, Asaba, Delta State. Amb. Valentine Chukwuma with The Forward News Correspondents during an interview session


Synoptically, Can You Give A Background Of Whom You Are And What You Do?

My name is Amb. Valentine Chukwuma, the CEO of Dand & Jec ventures. Basically, we are a loan company that give out facilities to individuals and companies for their business and also to those who want to travel out looking for proof of funds. Generally we give out loans to people who require our services.

Looking At Who You Are Today, A Benevolent, Industrious And Formidable Man Who Has Fought And Still Fighting Through Life. What Was Your Early Foundation Like?A Man Born With A “Silver Spoon” Or One Born With A “Plastic Spoon”?

Well, I wouldn’t say a silver spoon or plastic spoon but we were very comfortable while growing up. My dad was a Controller of  Nigeria Prisons Service, Now (Correctional Service) and we travelled round the country, we had a very comfortable childhood, so maybe I will say we had a wooden or a metal spoon.

What Inspired You To Take The Career And Life Path That You Are On?

I would say FAITH, because I am a graduate of the University of Ibadan with a BSc in Microbiology but the Nigeria economy being what it is, as at the time I graduated, I dropped my CV and the banks called me up, I passed the test, I was interviewed and got the job. I was at Lagos at that time and from Lagos, I got posted to Asaba and that was how I came to Asaba. By the time my appointment with the bank ended, I dabbled into contract for a while and then found myself back in the finance sector because of the experience I had then.

What Would You Consider To Be Your Greatest Accomplishment Now?

I would say family. I am a family oriented man , I have a wonderful family, a beautiful wife and children. I am also devoted to God. I am a deacon in the church and things are working out for me to the glory of God. I am a contented person.

How Do You Manage Your Daily Life, Family And Work Stress?

Well, just like every other Nigerian, wake up, and it is another day to thank God and go out there and make an impact. So is my work here, I have good staff that has been making the company work well so I do not have to be here all the time. It is not one that I have to stress myself for so much. My family is okay, I have a wonderful wife who is also a very good manager of the home and her office. She multitasks well and everything runs smoothly both at home and in the office. So I won’t say Iam the most stressed Nigerian.

Can You Give Us An Overview Of Dand & Jec Ventures, It’s Missions Values And Modus Operandi?

Dand & Jec Ventures is a finance company that gives out loans to members of the society who require our services. Our mission is to become a one stop shop for those who have need for maybe small businesses, contracts and those who need some form of finance for their day to day activities. At the end of the day after using our services, we end the transaction in good notes and leave the room for future engagements.

The Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director Dand & Jec Ventures, Asaba, Delta State. Amb. Valentine Chukwuma Recieving a Meritorious service Award from the Publisher of The Forward News Media Comrade Vivien Okafor

What Are The Specific Range Of Loan Product The Company Offers To The Customers?

We have the proof of funds which is very popular right now because of the aspect where a lot of people now travel to abroad. We also have a contract financing, the salary pay day where workers who work to get a loan upfront then later pay from their salaries with their different companies. Then we have the small and medium scale enterprise too for businesses to help them meet some basic needs in their businesses. These are the range of loans we offer for now. For the interest rates, we don’t have specific range for interest; it depends on the kind of loan you are applying for. For example, someone who requires the proof of funds, you don’t expect the funds available for that person to trade because it is just a locked up funds, you don’t expect someone like that to pay thesame interest with someone who used it for contract where one have a lot of profit from the awarded contract.

Have There Been Any Challenges Confronting The Company Service Discharge?Also, What Are Some Success Stories Or Testimonials From The Customer Base Since Inception?

A group photograph with The Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director Dand & Jec Ventures, Asaba, Delta State. Amb. Valentine Chukwuma and The Forward News Correspondents

There must always be challenges. For example, we are running on diesel, diesel as at June/July last year 2023 was about 625 naira but today diesel is about 1100 naira, that is quite double the former price now so that also hits our baseline profits which somehow a need to transfer that to the customers. The rising cost of every other thing affects us also. For our success stories, we have loans that have been taken and have been paid back. Obviously for the loans to be paid back meaning whatever reasons the customer took it for was successful and they were able to return it back. For the proof of funds, by the grace of God more than 90 percent of the people who came here have shared their testimonies; a lot of them have travelled out to their respective destinations.

Apart From Being The CEO Dand & Jec Ventures, We Also Know You As The Chairman, League Of Like Minds International Club. Can You Apprise Us More About This Club And Its Vision?

The League of Minds club is a club of gentle men from all works of the society. They come together as brothers to relate with one another, find ways to help one another and encourage one another, also the presence of friends and brothers whenever you need friends and brothers in celebrations or bereavement. It is a club that has done a lot of good deeds in the society as well. We engage in some charitable deeds for example when we had the flood situation in 2022, we had a lot of relief materials taken to the IDP camp. We also go visit motherless homes and we give out to indigents generally in the society.

From L-R; Mr Kent Eweluku Delta State Correspondent, Comrade Vivien Okafor Publisher, Amb. Valentine Chukwuma The Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director Dand & Jec Ventures, Asaba, Delta State, Ifeoma Achapu Delta State Correspondent and Joseph Chukwuneke, Edo State Correspondent

Looking At The Philanthropical Work You Do Most Times Even Partnership With Avaldora Help Foundation, What Do You Think Can Be Done More To Mitigate And Encourage The Dilapidating Economical Situation Of The Country, Also Even To Youths Who Have Resulted Into Making It In Life By Hook Or By Crook?

The truth is that, Nigeria is a country that has suffered from lack of good leadership, that is what has brought us to where we are now as a country. Things got so bad that everybody now wants to get rich quick attitude. So it is going to be very difficult to rid the use of that get rich quick mentality among youths because we are in a society that glorifies money by any means necessary. When one has money, you have a say in the society of which is not done in other societies because people would always ask how you made the money. Our politicians have to change the mind-set of People who are going into politics to think of service and not their selfish gains. You see someone who goes into politics and fewer than 6 months has built houses or has acquired properties ordinary and when you ask what their remuneration is, it is nowhere close to that. This is what has eaten deep into the blood of Nigerians, I inclusive. We need a generational change to be able to change this. The young ones should learn to grow, Bishop Abioye once said “you jump up, you come down instantly but when you grow up you stay there.”A young boy of 20 or 21 would probably want to drive the same car or be at my level and that is not how it should be. It should be through hard work and ideas, yes you can buy not through dubious and fraudulent means. So we should encourage hard work and not just glorify anyone who comes with a bag of money and not asking where you got the money from.

What Legacy Would You Want To Leave Behind?

I would like to leave a good name. A good name they say is better than riches. I want to leave a good name, when your name is mentioned, people would be like oh you know that man, or when your children goes somewhere and they mention the name and they say oh, that was a very good man. You know we have a lot of people who enjoy a lot of goodwill in the society and Favours just because of the good name of their parents or where they are coming from. So that is what I want to leave behind because at the end of the day, material things, we will leave them behind and your name is what will live.

We Know You As A Philanthropist And A Man Who Has Made Impacts On The Society, What Motivates You Into That Direction?

Like you earlier stated in your question, Alvadora help Foundation is my wife’s foundation, although I am a full supporter also, we are both trustees in the organisation. She is in the fore front of it and I am behind, I really don’t like exposure that much. I just like to do my thing quietly. Philanthropy has always been in me although my dad was like that; he was a good man who helped a lot of people. So in my own little way when I can render any little help, I do that. It is just my way of life basically.

In About Three Years Time And Coming Years, Where Do You See Yourself And The Company Dand & Jec Ventures?

We are constantly growing and improving, and then obviously, they will be some expansions, some branches in other states capitals. We will see where the company grows to possibly metamorphose into a bigger financial institution perhaps a bank. So we are on the path of growth of which tomorrow is pregnant.

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