





As true leadership is a product of inspirations, not manipulation; True leaders do not seek power but are driven by passion to achieve a noble course’’-Dr. Myles Munroe

The above leadership quote could be attributed to non-other but Chief victor Ifeanyi Asiodu, the Chief Executive Officer, Goldiva Integrated Resources Limited (GIRL) and also the Youth Leader, Ibusa Community, Delta State, whose plausible leadership style has endeared him to many notable institutions and personalities that had cross his path leading to several outpour of accolades for his laudable display of leadership per excellence to his father land. Termed of a man of many parts with on the job position of pro-activeness, Chief victor Ifeanyi Asiodu has indeed come to see, and had conquered many seen and unforeseen hurdles in all facet of his professional calling especially at his present disposition as the Chief Executive Officer, Goldiva Integrated Resources Limited (GIRL) and also the Youth Leader, Ibusa Community, Delta State.

In the history of ibusa community, where a lot of youth leaders have come and gone, but I can tell you if you check the records, nobody has achieved what Chief victor Ifeanyi Asiodu has done and the success keep climbing every day. When you are working under him he will always be specific what you should do and the kind of result he is expecting. Sometimes he will even give you the guideline on how to achieve it. He discuss to people as a brother and nobody in his right sense want to bring him gown because he attends to everybody’s problem both official and personal to ensure you are ok’.

Chief Victor Ifeanyi is like a God sent to those that have had encounter with him and also to Ibusa Community. When he became the youth leader of ibusa community, the first thing he embarked on is clearing of the whole drainages in Ibusa Community with his own money, providing security and empowering more than 100 women . He tried to put things in other to ensure that there is sanity in the security operations especially in his community, Asaba, and his environs. He is God fearing and one good thing I like about him is that he abhors sentiment. He does not care about your religion or who you are as he takes you as brother or sister and colleague. He treat everybody the same and he likes justice, he listens and ready to solve people’s problems, he has been doing tremendously well. Peace is his language, friendship is the language and yet a core value of what people supposed to do, he doesn’t shift from it.

In his erstwhile assignment as a guru in real estate business had redefined operations at that areas as his brilliance and on the job technocratic prowess had not only earned his company”Goldiva Integrated Resources Limited” an improve genuinty profile but had endeared him to his business colleagues as they have confident in his ability, genuity of his lands and his discretionary powers to perform. Over the years, chief ifeanyi Asiodu is often called an all round real estate guru because of his exploits in every function and aspects of real estates, as history had it that his record breaking achievements while he held his company about a decade ago still stood unmatched. He at a time became real estate albatross at both lands and other areas of the businesses. We are inspired to celebrate his remarkable life and accomplishment in Nigeria. He is a man of enormous and proven integrity, tenacity and character wise. His passion about a united Nigeria is a common thread that runs through his steering career in public service, which has remained so, till now. He remains the height of moral ethical and other standards that people must strive to attain.

The entire people of Nigeria will always remember him with appreciation, his immense contributions and notable inputs to national development and the growth of true federation and democracy.

He is indeed fulfilled. Talk of great achievers in the African continent Chief Victor Ifeanyi Asiodu stands very tall to this colossus of our time, hardworking, dedicated seriously towards serving humanity. Very patriotic, loyal and an accomplished man with a glowing passion for excellence.



Can you tell us who you are?

My name is Chief Victor Ifeanyi Asiodu. I am from Ibusa Community in Oshimili North Local Government Area of Delta State.

Going forward sir, as a youth leader and a gigantic face in Ibusa Community, what is the scope of your respected position and how does it benefit Ibusa youth?

I will start with the foundation with which I came in because when the foundation is not strong the building would be unstable. My tenure will expire in June. Many persons have been asking me to adopt a successor but I believe in destiny, and I have done my part. This position is a selfless office. Nobody pays me , you must have your own rules and that is why I am having some issue with prominent men in this city because I refuse to be compromised. I am someone who cannot be told what to do. Last year 2023, I lost over a billion Naira in my business because I refused to compromise. Many things I have passed thorough last year is because of position. I am a role model to many people. If I do badly today, people will emulate the same as good. for example, When I entered that position, I first of all cleared the whole drainages with my own money , I spent nothing less than 3 million Naira, I empowered more than 100 women and girls. All these things, no one pays me, I don’t expect anything in return. In our office, we have a free computer school. One of the reason why I contested on that position is to put people in government on their toes, let them know that if we as an individual with our own money can do this, then, you that is collecting allocation can also do better. Without any apology, somebody has been in the house of assembly for 12 years and nothing happened. So on our own part, we liaise with the people in position and support our people. Last year, I bought 2 Siena for security, gave one to ibusa police station and one at Oshimili north surveillance, I gave them because we need our community to always be safe and we need our police men to be mobile always, we don’t joke with security. This is why I am proud to say today kidnapping which was like a daily business has reduced not just in Ibusa but the whole of Delta state. There was a day one of our clients was kidnapped in the bush, I called the DPO immediately and we were able to get them. By now I should have been preparing for the next election but I have to let them know the constitution. I don’t have interest in politics because I like to be independent, I can’t start what I cannot finish. God bless me, I will do what I can do for the people. I have more than 50 people I pay their fees in secondary and university school, most of them I don’t even know. I am a product of Grace and I believe that you don’t do it for public sake because God instructed us to do it in secret and he would bless us.


What prompted you to giving back to the society?

A t a time when we were growing up, there was nothing to eat but they remained very disciplined people, they didn’t have much good education but they were able to teach us discipline. My father hate waste, these are one of the factor that contributed to my giving. Then I had a friend, I’m mentioning this for the first time, he is a pastor in Ibusa, Delta state, his name is Pastor Benjamin Nnamudi, he has a church, he is from Anambra state but he grew up in our house, we looked and behaved like twins that people hardly know we are not of the same parents nor state. Whenever this boy wanted to buy things, he would always buy two, for himself and then for me while we were small then. When I started growing up, I now realized that he was doing it not only for me. Then I knew one must not expect anything in return before you help. Then also, I have tested what a poor background is like, my father had 10 children of which I am the 6th child so I knew what suffering entails, in as much as the help I need to do is within my grasp then I will do it. Suffering can change the ways of men from being good to very wayward and indiscipline. So, in every little way I try to help people and leave the rest for God.

Of course, in a giving task, there are lots of ups and downs, could you brief us the major challenges you face, especially handling a position such as yours?

There are people that will come to you whether you have or not and knowing that if you look the person in the eye and say I don’t have, you don’t know the persons next step, you would want to help. Last year I saw a girl who wanted to commit suicide on social media and I decided to chat the person up and asked why she wanted to commit suicide and she said she hasn’t paid her school fees and other school payments, I gave her the money. Then she started demanding from me in the long run, now at this moment I had to ascertain her legitimacy and one certain day, when she called I didn’t pick up and she went to commit suicide. So these are one of the challenges. Sometimes you wouldn’t really know those who are really in need and the people who need those things don’t even know you before. It’s not always convenient for me but you just have to do it. And this has become more when I got this position. No one has given me but I’m the one doing the giving.


Do you have Collective effort that assist and execute task in respect to such position?

Yes, I have executives which, I will tell them what we want to do, they go outside to the field and get the work done with all the logistics, monitoring the work and ensuring it’s properly done. They also encourage me, some of them knew me before the election and that was why they voted me in. The votes were about 200 and I got about 180 plus out of it. During the election, people brought money to share but I told them it’s not about money but impact, I have been with the people from the onset and they  have felt my impact. I won the election on a very transparent and open ground.I appreciate my executives a whole lot. They also do their personal work in the little ways they can in their immediate villages they control and my own is to control them.

Relative to the illegal land grabbing in Ibusa community which has been on ground for some time now and is not a good one, what step have you and your executives taken to make sure the matter is been solved, fishing out the perpetrators and enforcing law that would stop this illegal act?

Sincerely I would say I am always at the receiving end. I would thank the present Commissioner Of Police, if he was the CP last year or last two years, situations wouldn’t have been like this, without security operations, nobody would grab your land. I had to remove all the Forest helping the kidnappers foster their endeavors. Most of my properties were demolished, fenced properties with videos on my phone and they were followed by the police too. My brother was killed 2010 over this same issue of property dragging, they came and didn’t see me, they came even without face masks. We reported to the police and they arrested a few people and went to prison but in the end, we all know Nigeria system. The following day they went to burn houses and wrote petitions against us but thank God, he has already blessed me so I stood my ground. They wanted to use that to chase us out but with the help of God we got them arrested. So these are the challenges we see in Ibusa community that we are trying to curb. I will rather loose most things than to lose any of my family members. I know people who have left and sold their houses in Asaba because of this pressure of land issue.

As we can see sir, you are not just a Community youth leader but a well known professional and successful entrepreneur. How were you able to come about this business “ Real Etate” and what are your experiences and successes?

In 1985, 5 Naira made 3 of us to stop school for two years , I was in primary 2 then. In 1996, money stopped me from furthering my education. At a time, I had to talk to my parents and we decided that if school cannot go let us go to work. I rode okada for three years and from there I started driving bus and then I owned buses, then I realized that in business you always meet people every day and while I was driving the Okada people would always say I am looking for something or somewhere oh. During that time that was when I thought of this business I am doing now. In 2006, our people wanted to pick up a case around NNPC Ibusa and I had my houses there so they inaugurated a land committee of which I was made the secretary to work for the community. Then people started knowing me for properties and that made me very popular, then I decided since people have known me I should start up my own individual business of real estate. I then started working as an agent to help people get good landed properties in the area because I already understood the area and when they buy I will get my percentage. Then all these areas in Asaba, from Asaba junction were all bushes. So a friend of mine told me I could go to all the communities and talk with them to do a survey and from there we began. I paid the surveyor about 80,000 plus then. I brought a caterpillar and it worked there for over 2 weeks. I was given 12 plots of 100X100 investing 900,000 and when I sold them I made 3,000,000. The community then trusted me. Where you see most of the companies today, I sold the land to them. With all these money, I have never been to the club one day and I don’t intend to go to any one because I believe for me to waste money extravagantly there, I will rather use it to help people and promote my business. So I never lived an extravagant life. I pay sometimes more than what I am supposed to pay as Tithe to God. I invested heavily in the land business, then it was few of us doing it, we went to places collected contracts but now land business has saturated everywhere, but I am still into it. Sometimes, the business comes with lots of issues and I have encountered a lot but we are always praying to God for wisdom. I use wisdom in anything I do.

At time customers don’t look at the money, they look at integrity and presentation. We have had so many issues even up to the extent of some using juju to threaten us.

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