



It is important for us, especially in our nation today to learn and imbibe the value of celebrating that which is good. We must sincerely celebrate the success of those whose works and achievements bequeath our country positively. Such kind of people, because of their adventurous successes recorded, gains the admiration of all and sundry. Awards are bestowed on them by different organizations; not because of their position or fame in the society but because of their positive impact. This is no different story with His Excellency Ambassador . Dr  Duru Hezehiah , Diplomatic Head Of Mission International Human Rights Commission (IHRC), Abuja, Nigeria, as his integrity in service recently earned him Meritorious Service Honours Award. The amiable personality in a person of absolute honesty, a philanthropist and an intellectual veniality to the core.  A man of honour and distinction, not only full of ideas, but of courage. His Excellency Ambassador .

Dr  Duru Hezehiah remains simple, a team worker, fighter of justices, a man with fear of God, a family builder, a strategist, and a born Christian , refusing to be intoxicated by the abundant power and prestige that so with his position. He is transparent, hardworking and diligent personality who has a zero tolerance for corruption. A man that believes in goal getting and never sets discouraged or overwhelmed by challenges. ‘’Shakespeare’’ in one of his books said that some people are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness entrust on them and so Amb . Dr  Duru Hezehiah has greatness entrusted on him. His life achievements revolve ground humidity; hence he does not blow his trumpet.

His humility, sincerity of purpose and industry eminently lifted him up because of his selfless service to humanity and adventurous. A man who never leaves any stone unturned, rather footprints that which prosperity will rejoice for, all to the glory of God and Service to mankind. He is happily married to a beautiful wife and blessed with children. His relationship with his staff are very cordially, all working as a team to achieve a common purpose. God is supreme to everyone and no one can do without him.


You are a great asset to humanity and an epitome of an exemplary leader. Can you tell us more about your profile?

I was not  born with a golden or silver spoon. My life is a product of God’s grace, I believe there is only one person you need in life to succeed and that is God, when you have God, even if you don’t have anything, you will end up having everything. So my life has been a journey of the Lord is my shepherd. I came from a family of seven (7) boys of which I am the fourth (4th), it was a solitary life then because my father was eliminated at an early stage so it wasn’t rosy for us. I did all manner of menial jobs to succeed, I cultivated farms for people to get paid and from there I migrated to Umuahia. Even while I was in school I did jobs and assisted my mom in selling fruits then, any kind of fruit that came out we sold them and at the same time I carried timber to ensure I go to secondary school. When I was able to go to school, I saved a little money from where I worked in an hotel during vacation and I used the money to sell threads and needles then. Just as the Bible says “And the Lord was with Joseph and he was a prosperous man”.

It’s evident to say every aspect of my business kept moving forward and backward never because the Lord is with me. I always pick the story of Joseph about my life because the Lord was with him. So at some stage I started renting wheel barrow to display and sell my goods and from there my goods couldn’t enter the wheel barrow which made me expand into renting shops in the market. I then got admission into the higher institution, I sold everything I had so it wouldn’t be a distraction to me. My life has been a story of grass to grace. When I finished school and wanted to do my I.T. In Anambra state, we took an exam of over 400 people in GT bank and behold I was the first to be given an appointment letter among all the I.T. candidates. This is why I say “And the Lord was with Joseph and he was prosperous”. So, from my I.T. I saved money and got a direct entry into Ebonyi state university where I obtained my BSc in accounting and got my masters in business administration, also my masters degree in business administration Bangor University United Kingdom, Chartered Banker Scotland, Chartered Banker Nigeria, so I am a seasoned banker by the grace of God and also a business man.

In 2022, I was picked by International Human Rights Commission to head Diplomatic Mission in Nigeria and that is how I took over and from there another grace.

As the current Diplomatic Head of Mission, IHRC, What is the mission and vision of the commission?

We are a transnational intergovernmental organization. The core mission of the International Human Rights Commission (IHRC) is to advance and safeguard human rights, foster diplomatic collaboration and facilitate humanitarian initiatives on a global scale. Anchored in the principles enshrined within the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the European Convention on Human Rights, IHRC is dedicated to upholding the dignity of individuals, promoting intergovernmental dialogue, and championing equality and justice.


Since your inception into the office in the year 2022, how would you say the journey has been in sustaining human rights and a peaceful region?

It has been good and challenging with ups and downs, majorly with finance. We have engaged in crises not just Nigeria but Africa. Since 2022, the International Human Rights Commission (IHRC) has been focusing on human rights advocacy, defending them through investigations and strategic advocacy. Our work extends to healthcare, education, nutrition, and safe migration, providing legal aid and advice to victims. IHRC also collaborates with local organizations and volunteers in Nigeria, engaging in peace-building dialogues and conflict resolution efforts.

What are some of the specific proffered solutions to the persistent killings and violations of human rights in this part of the continent?

Government should imbibe and advocate for dialogue and negotiations. Two days ago, my close friend was going home from Enugu to Abakaliki, just 45 minutes drive and they were attacked on their way and his daughter was killed , a daughter that just had her graduation the previous day, a young girl that just clocked 10 years preparing for junior secondary school, the father has already paid the school fees and bought things she would go to school with. When you see these people killing, they are young boys of about 15 years with no education and enlightenment, the government has a lot of work to do. So, to combat persistent killings and human rights violations in Nigeria, a multifaceted approach is needed. This includes strengthening legal frameworks, establishing specialized courts, improving security and law enforcement, promoting community engagement, educating citizens, addressing poverty and unemployment, and fostering regional cooperation to combat terrorism and insurgency. These solutions will help reduce violence and promote peaceful coexistence

 In trying to bring stability and peace, what hurdles have you faced and how do you combat them?

Promoting stability and peace is a complex task with various challenges. These include conflict of interests, resource constraints, cultural sensitivity, security risks, political instability, and public apathy. IHRC navigates these by fostering dialogue, leveraging technology, and collaborating with local experts. We also address security risks, political instability, and public apathy through media campaigns and grassroots initiatives. These challenges only strengthen us and cannot stop us. We believe in FORWARD EVER and BACKWARD NEVER. God would always give us the grace to surmount.

Are there partnerships with other agencies and government in bringing organizational and cultural change via leadership participation of stakeholders?

Certainly! IHRC collaborates with various agencies, governments, and stakeholders to drive organizational and cultural change. We align policies, promote human rights, and address systemic issues. We work with civil society organizations, academic institutions, and businesses to promote ethical practices and respect for human rights. IHRC also cooperates with international organizations for change advocacy. People should note we don’t take any money from government or belong to political parties, we can only partner with them.

Looking at where you are today, it’s a huge milestone from where you came from and a reward of your hard work. Can you give us a background story of your life way back before now in IMO State and Abia state?

Imo state is my state of origin, where I was born and started my life as a farmer, I was a hunter in the village, I used my hand to kill a snake then in the bush, it was more of an adventurous life in Imo state for me. I had my Primary School in St. Peter’s School and from there, I moved to Abia state where the real life journey began. That was where I had my secondary school and it wasn’t funny, I sold bread, did conductor. All my ambition doing all those work was to be a graduate and that was why when I got an admission, I sold everything that would pose to be a distraction. There was a time back in Imo State, I asked one of my uncles to help me then with Waec money but he came to the village and went back to Lagos without giving me anything, I was left in my father’s house with no food to eat, but God provided manna for me then in Imo state. So basically my journey in Abia state was more of education.  I did all these things because I had vowed to my Mom that I would help her. Life hasn’t been easy and it’s a test of manhood, without challenges you can never be great. The challenges you have is to make you. I believe even if I go down I must rise again.

You have a belief that “A CANDLE DOES NOT LOSE ANYTHING LIGHTENING ANOTHER CANDLE”. Can you elaborate more on that and what sponsors this belief in your heart?

Certainly! The saying “A candle does not lose anything by lighting another candle” reflects a beautiful truth about kindness, compassion, and generosity. Let me elaborate. Lighting candles symbolizes generosity, abundance, empowerment, connection, inspiration, and a ripple effect. Each candle shares its flame, creating more illumination. Helping others uplifts, and strengthens community and purpose. These action inspires others to do good.

This universal truth resonates with my desire to make the world better, enriching lives in personal relationships, professional settings, among many others. So, let’s continue lighting candles, knowing that our light only grows brighter as we share it with others. Freely you receive and freely you must give. I believe in teaching people how to fish and not just giving them fish. The summary is that, no matter your level of education, I believe everybody has purpose in life and it is a man that helps a man.

Have you ever felt like giving up on the youths, the marginalized, fighting for their human right considering the decadence of the world and how fast corruption and immoral acts eats up into the youth?


Never!!! Giving up is not an option. While the challenges are immense, hope and resilience drive positive change. Each small effort matters, a candle lighting another illuminates the path toward justice equity and equality. Together, we can make a difference.

What are your favorite three  (3) life mantra?

First, the  FEAR OF GOD, second is HUMILITY, scripture says God gives grace to the humble and rebukes the proud, and the third is GRACE which is unmerited favour from God.

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