



The acquisition of expertise in a given field of human endeavour is not just a bread and butter affair. It is therefore a fact that mediocre or a half-baked practitioner cannot attain the status of the seasoned professional. The extent of career building knitted with impeccable character can give birth to a competent Expert. This kind of person is proactive and versatile. In addition, the expert is also a team player, an achiever and a break of new grounds. All these are the stabilizing props that make such an expert in a focal point and the preferred one when a trusted person is being sought. The Centre-Point or nucleus of the foregoing will help in assessing the man, Engr Obiora Erinne not only in his present designation as the Zonal Coordination South – South 1, Rivers State, Port-Harcourt Federal Roads Maintenance Agency (FERMA) but also on his pedigree and antecedent.The true worth of a man is in the way he treats people who are absolutely in need. If you care about people in need, you are actually making a contribution to the development of the nation. We need to give life back to the people; democracy is important in governance. We need to see how we can use the available resources for everybody; create opportunities for all and care, especially for those who are truly in need. The gap between the rich and the poor should be bridged. Those of us blessed with material resources need to share with others. We must strike a balance with our resources.” This is the Philosophy of our principal. Engr Obiora Erinne a quintessential Zonal Coordinator, he is an embodiment of cerebral articulation, the essence of unparalleled philanthropy, the epitome of intellection and breathtaking simplicity, the personification of undiluted humanness, the perfect example of leadership symbolism, the paragon of idealism, the soul of humanity, the heart of warrior, and a perfect gentleman.


FEDERAL ROAD MAINTENANCE AGENCY (FERMA). With The Forward New Media Correspondents from various States, during an interview session

Can you Tell us More about Your Profile?

Iam Engr. Obiora Erinne, the Ferma zonal coordinator of south – south 1 that oversees the activities in some states namely Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa and Rivers State.

Can You Provide An Overview Of The Current State Of Federal Roads Maintenance In South – South 1 Zone?

We have been working round the clock though with a lot of challenges. You know this part of the country experiences heavy rainfall compared to other states and water is one of the biggest problems to Asphaltic concrete roads. We experience a lot of failures within this region, and it has put us to task to bring out the best in FERMA. Flooding as we noticed Bayelsa state worst hit in year 2022 is a big challenge .

What Are The Major Challenges Faced By Ferma In Maintaining Roads In This Zone? 

Basically, the number one challenge is adequate funding. Once we have enough funds to Repair the bad sections of federal roads in Rivers, Bayelsa and Akwa Ibom states, we need is a couple of 3 – 4 months of favorable weather to get them in good shape. It is not that there’s no funding but I’m talking about adequate funding to carry out all our pressing repair works. We also have issues of security,torrential rainfall and many others.

How Does Ferma Prioritize The Road Projects In Terms Of Maintenance And Repair?

We have trunks A, B , C road, we work hand in hand with the Federal Ministry of Works, State Ministry of Works and other stakeholders. We complement each other towards achieving safe and motorable Federal roads network within the Zone. We all know our major roads and we prioritize them. All federal roads are important as of today. If a trunk A road is bad, Trunk B and C roads becomes an alternative . We address all Federal roads when due.

Can You Share Some Of The Key Initiatives Or Projects Recently Undertaken By Ferma South – South 1, to Improve Road Condition?

We have done a lot of roads in the past and we intend to also work on some bad sections of federal roads within the Zone. We have carried out repair works on numerous embankment washout, hydraulic structures, Road furniture. Security challenges along the Federal roads are improved with seasonal Vegetation control we embark on within the zone. We are surrounded by states, and we are always making sure these roads are in good condition.

What Can You Say About The Condition Of Eleme Roads As Its Bad State Has Caused A Lot To The Indigenes?What Is The Federal Government Doing About The Roads?

I will not really have the authority to speak on this, but it is being handled by the Federal ministry of works. The Honorable Minister of Works is officially touring the South – South geo-political zone and might possibly get to the location in question today being September 29th, 2023.

How Does Ferma Collaborate With Other Agencies Or Stake Holders Such As State Governments Or Contractors To Achieve Road Maintenance?

We have our field offices in all states including FCT and that means we are state domiciled. We don’t work independently; at times we notice that states intervene in some federal roads. So, there is a connectivity between us. We interface in areas of difficulties as every state or zone has its own peculiar challenges. We don’t maintain federal roads in states in isolation.


FEDERAL ROAD MAINTENANCE AGENCY (FERMA). Recieving a Meritorious Service Honour From The Forward New Publisher, Miss Vivien OkAFOR

What Can You Say About The Recent Approval Of The Construction Of Coastal Road That Will Run From Port Harcourt To Many Cities In The Country By President Bola Ahmed Tinubu?

The Federal inter-states / trunk ‘A’ roads connecting states via towns have been urbanized. You know roads brings development and there are developments now along those major artilleries and they are urbanizing very fast. So having the coastal road will give one an opportunity to avoid congestions, reduce accidents, promote free/ unhindered movements, reduce travel time, reduce conflict. So,it’s a welcome development.

What Would You Say Are The Life Principles That Propelled You To The Level You Are And What Do You Want To Be Remembered For?

It’s more of perseverance, interests in upliftment of the Agency and improving the federal roads network. I want to be remembered as one that came to south south 1 Zone and made sure that all the bad sections of federal roads are repaired,  made safe and motorable.


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