
Federal Road Maintenance Engineer (FRME), Federal Roads Maintenance Agency (FERMA) Edo State-Engr Muktar Abdulrahim




Liberality is that quality of mind which the spirits will demand from us to fulfill their purpose for us; liberality means mercy in its entire ramification, and a liberal mind is the merciful mind. Whichever way we choose to assess him, Engr.Muktar Abdulrahim is indeed among the liberal minds, an exceptional personality; highly skilled in Engineering even though he is a graduate of Engineering and professional has been on a progressively successful journey since his assumption of duty as the Federal Road Maintenance Engineer (FRME) Benin City, Edo State.

Undoubtedly, he is an enigma, having styled his personality to the admiration of anyone whose path crosses with his, whether in the course of duty, in line of faith, or in social space.

Engr.Muktar Abdulrahim is synonymous with humility, irrespective of his accomplishment, and being readily available to proffer solutions to challenging situations, has remained the aroma that attracts people to this amiable personality. A seasoned professional in a field he has put over years, uninterrupted years, and still very relevant.Regardless of his very busy schedule, he has remained so efficient at managerial level as a service provider, and prioritizing utmost care and comfort at home front.

When asked the secret behind a very calm and articulate Engr.Muktar Abdulrahim, he never wasted time with this response, ‘’ I thank Allah for giving me an understanding wife, I am glad she understands the kind of job I do. She has really been wonderful, but we must always find a way out of it, so we marry all these things together, and also make sure we do our best at all time”.

One thing you can talk about Engr. Muktar Abdulrahimis that he is a man of equity, justice, hospitality, and fair play. He is a man who has actively served in various States in the Federal Road Maintenance Agency (FERMA)and has contributed immensely towards the development of the Service and the country at large. Engr. Muktar Abdulrahim strongly belief in Allah’s perfect will and guidance successfully seen him through in whatever he does.

An icon of hard work and enthusiasm with a compassionate spirit. When people or Engineers of proven mettle are placed in the position of authority, a lot behooves on them as their managerial prowess is pushed to the forefront.For a competent and dynamic Engineer in Federal Road Maintenance Agency (FERMA), Engr. Muktar Abdulrahim, it has been an illustrious period serving in various States in Federal Road Maintenance Agency (FERMA).The true worth of a man is in the way he treats people who are absolutely in need.

If you care about people in need, you are actually making a contribution to the development of the nation. We need to give life back to the people; democracy is important in governance. We need to see how we can use the available resources for everybody; create opportunities for all and care, especially for those who are truly in need.

The gap between the rich and the poor should be bridged. Those of us blessed with material resources need to share with others. We must strike a balance with our resources.” This is the Philosophy of our principal. Engr. Muktar Abdulrahim is a quintessential Federal Roads Maintenance Engineer (FRME) and embodiment of cerebral articulation, the essence of unparalleled philanthropy, the epitome of intellection and breathtaking simplicity, the personification of undiluted humanness, the perfect example of leadership symbolism, the paragon of idealism, the soul of humanity, the heart of warrior, and a perfect gentleman.

Recently, the quintessential gentleman unveiled his world to The Forward News Media in his office in Edo State, precisely Benin City. So do join us and discover this interesting personality.


Engr. Muktar Abdulrahim,
The Federal Road Maintenance Engineer (FRME), Federal Roads Maintenance Agency (FERMA) Benin City, Edo State with The Forward New Media during an interview session

Can You Tell Us More About Who You Are And Provide An Overview Of Your Role And Responsibilities As A Federal Road Maintenance Engineer?

I am Engineer Muktar Abdulrahim. I was posted here in April 2023 to head the office of the Federal Road Maintenance Engineer in Edo State. I am the Administrative and Technical head of the field office. My responsibilities include inspecting, reporting on, arranging for, and supervising the maintenance of Federal Roads in the state. I report on FERMA operations in the state to FERMA headquarters through the Zonal Coordinator’s office.

What Are The Biggest Challenges You Face In Improving Federal Roads, Especially With The Current Security Menace?

Most security outfits are our key stakeholders. Upon taking up the office, I reached out to the police, DSS, Army, and Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) for synergy and collaboration. We also establish bonds with every community we are working in; by reaching out to the Chiefs and the youth leaders. With such collaboration, we are usually given security guarantees.

What Measures Are You Taking To Ensure Road Safety During Maintenance Activities?

In most cases, we seek the assistance of FRSC while also ensuring that proper caution signs are in place and the workers are well-equipped with safety jackets and kits before commencing any work. He vi

How Do You Assess The Impact Of Weather Conditions And Natural Disasters On Roads And Maintenance Repairs?

The impact of climate change on the Nigerian Road Maintenance Sector has been devastating. We have experienced a rise in unforeseen cutoffs/collapsed sections of some Federal roads across parts of the country in response to flooding. The climate crisis is one of the factors for the rapid deterioration of already weakened Nigerian roads due to aging.

3rd from the left;Engr. Muktar Abdulrahim,
The Federal Road Maintenance Engineer (FRME), 2nd from the left: Achapu Ifeoma Esther, Delta State Correspondent, 1st from the left; Joseph T. Chukwuneke, Edo State Correspondent, 1st from the right; Engr Thompson Owobu Admin Officer Federal Roads Maintenance Agency (FERMA). 2nd from the right; miss Vivien OkAFOR, Publisher.

Are There Any Innovative Technologies Or Tools Being Used In Road Maintenance And Monitoring?

We have seen a substantial increase in the vehicular load on our highways in recent times, the trucks are some of the major factors contributing to the damage of our roads, by overloading themselves, most of our highways are designed for 30 tonne trucks and some of these trucks are reaching 60, 70 and above, causing excessive damages to our flexible(Asphaltic) pavement roads. Alternatives are being considered, such as Rigid pavement, also known as concrete pavement, known for their durability and long-lasting performance. FERMA might need to evolve a maintenance method to combine flexible and rigid pavements in the maintenance of Federal Roads in the near future.

What Is Your Vision For The Future Of Federal Road Infrastructure And Maintenance In Our Country?

My vision is to see Federal Road Infrastructure and Maintenance having an independent, proper road funding system, as road businesses all over the world aren’t funded by the Government alone, funding for Nigerian roads has largely been from fiscal allocation through Appropriation Acts, with an increasingly shrinking national budget, which has not been very effective so far.

CanYou Discuss Any Ongoing Or Recent Projects Or Initiatives That Have Been Undertaken To Enhance Road Infrastructure?

Currently, my engineers are on-site at the Benin-Sagamu road carrying out direct labour work on some failed sections of the road. Procurement processes are also ongoing at the headquarters toward the awarding of contracts for the 2023 budget year. Once it’s out, we hope to commence work immediately.

What Can You Say About The Quality And Skills Of The Workers On-Site During Road Maintenance?

The Federal Road Maintenance is a well-established agency with experienced engineers and technical officers. We have two approaches to the execution of FERMA projects: (1) Direct labor, in which in-house engineers carry out the work, and (2) Contract, where competent contractors are chosen through competitive bidding, with the least evaluated responsive bidder selected to carry out the work. Supervision is overseen by the field office engineers. This process/system ensures the competency and skills of workers to execute the projects.

What Advice Would You Give The Public About Their Own Responsibilities For Road Maintenance?

My message to Nigerians is to make them realize that the roads are our common resource.If the roads are damaged, it is all to our detriment. So I would want Nigerians to use the roads responsibly and patiently with consideration for other road users knowing that if there are damages along the road everyone suffers. My message would be that Nigerians should be patient with FERMA because we know the importance of roads. We are on tremendous transformation drive as far as road maintenance is concern and to desist from Road abuses such as vandalism of road infrastructure, bridge railings, defacing signposts, burning of tires on the roads, erecting markets, cutting across the road by communication companies and individuals to lay water pipes and communication cables, erecting speed bumps indiscriminately, blocking of water channels and overloading. All these and other forms of road abuses needs to stop for lasting road quality.

The Potholes On The Roads, What Do You Think Is Their Major Cause?

Potholes on the road are caused by a number of variables, including water intrusion, stress from heavy vehicles, expansion and contraction from seasonal temperature changes, and sun exposure. It is important to keep up with proper maintenance like crack and asphalt sealing to prevent cracks from spreading or forming into potholes.

What Guiding Principles Have Made You The Man That You Are Today?

As much as possible, I try to give my best wherever I find myself. Secondly, I believe that life is in stages, there is a stage to be under someone and learn. Learning comes with patience and perseverance with some level of ambition, hoping to be a leader one day. I have worked in the FERMA headquarters, Yobe State field office, Kogi state field office and now here in Edo state. In all these places, In all this places apart from my current place, I have worked under very sound engineers, and I was patient to learn from them.

How Have You Been Able To Balance Your Official Job With Family Duties, And What Do You Want To Be Remembered For?

Balancing work and family is not easy. My family is based in Abuja, and I go to see them once in a while. It is a challenging task, but it’s what we signed up for, and we are managing it.

What I want to be remembered for is being a mentor and guide to younger ones. I have been privileged to work with people who have mentored me strategically to succeed. I am committed to giving back by mentoring the younger generation. When someone comes here as an I.T. student or a Corper, I try to make sure they are properly guided because, from being a Corper, I met people who were ready to teach me. So, that is exactly what I want to be remembered for.

Engr. Muktar Abdulrahim,
The Federal Road Maintenance Engineer (FRME), FERMA Receiving a Meritorious Service Honour from The Forward New Media



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