

The 2023 revenue target for the Seme Area Command of the Nigeria Customs Service was N1.9billion, however, the command was able to surpass this figure by collecting N5.9billion marking a 297% increase, marking a N3billion increase.

Compt Timi Bomodi (1st right) decorating one of the newly promoted officers. He is being assisted by the Seme Command Comptroller of Immigration, D.T Audu

The Customs Area Controller of Seme Command, Compt Timi Bomodi gave the report while decorating the 34 newly promoted officers under the command on Wednesday.

Bomodi said the 2023 revenue collection was the highest collection since 2019.

“This reinforce our commitment to ensure that the Lagos – Abidjan corridor is perceived more as a
trade enabler with huge potentials for exponential growth. We will continue to do our best at ensuring that the Command achieves its full potential of trade facilitation without hindrance” he assured.

In terms of export operations, Compt Bomodi informed that the Command facilitated a total of 222.442.88 Metric tons involving 6, 253 trucks of export produce, with Free On Board (FOB) value of N32,448,564,533.1
Also, the Nigeria export Supervision Scheme (NESS) realized during the period under review was N162,852,254.56.
He said the 2.5% surcharge paid was N60, 421,421.00 only, and 704 SGDs were utilized.

In the area of anti-smuggling operations, the Command made a total of 513 interceptions valued at N1, 374,245,832.00 from the following items:

One of the officers getting decorated

i. Rice: 14,181 50kg Bags which is equivalent to 24 trailers.

ii. PMS: 1,220,130 liters which is equivalent to 37 tankers load.

iii. Smuggled Vehicles: 39.

iv. Drugs and Narcotics: 8,278.

V. General Merchandise: 9,639.

vi. Suspects: 37 suspects were arrested in Connection with different seizures, during the period under review.

“In addition to the above seizures the Command equally made headlines in its enforcement of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) where we recorded seizures of 152 live Parrots Birds and other animals protected under the convention, and 6,000,000 fake dollars bills among others.

“The successes recorded by the Command in the preceding year could be attributed to the incentives and motivation given to the officers and Men of the Command by the Management of the Nigeria Customs Service.

The Command will continue to sustain tempo in the fight against all illicit trade within the nooks and crannies of the Command.

“Given the encouragement and support we have received from the Comptroller General of Customs and the entire Management of the Service, we will not only maintain the tempo but work towards meeting what-ever target that will be set for us in the current year” Bomodi vowed

While addressing the newly promoted officers, Compt Bomodi said they are expected to put more efforts into the job because they have been well motivated.

He said “Once you are promoted to the next level, it is expected that your job description will change.
“If you are given 100% before, we expect that you start giving 110%.
Once you are assigned more responsibilities, we expect that you are going to give more effort, you are going to put more effort into the job. The officers are properly motivated” he said

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