

Have you heard promises from others that if you follow their way of life, or even donate to their organization, your life will be filled with blessings, money, success and prestige? This is far too common, sadly, and it often ends badly.

Many very popular leaders say that following Jesus is a way to ensure God’s blessings for physical health and material wealth—your best possible life in the here-and-now. The Bible tells us that this teaching comes from corrupt minds that are empty of truth:These arguers, their minds are warped by sins, they don’t know how to tell the truth; to them the Good News is just a means of making money. Keep away from them.” (1 Timothy 6:5)When our desire to follow God is based on how He might make our lives easier or more successful, we are missing the point.

God knows it is an empty person who only seeks Him to obtain these things. They cannot really satisfy us. The most important things in life are not for sale. He invites you to enjoy His approval, forgiveness, protection and eternal life with Him.

If Jesus paid such a high price for your acceptance, what do you have to do to receive it? It’s a free gift you receive by receiving Christ as Lord!He broke down the barrier between you and Himself — the violations of His commandments — by carrying out the punishment you deserve on a substitute: Jesus Christ. When God Himself became a man in the person of Jesus, He served God perfectly and resisted all temptation. His resurrection proved God’s justice had been satisfied.

If Jesus paid such a high price for your acceptance, what do you have to do to receive it? It’s a free gift you receive by receiving Christ as Lord!For God loved the world so much that he grace his son so that anyone who believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16) To all who received him, he gave the right to become children of God. All they needed to do was to trust him to save them (John 1:12) The time is now (2corinthians 6:2) seek the lord while you can find him. Call upon him now while he is near (Isaiah 55:6) here is how to accept him.

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