

When Ibrahim Bomai, Acting , Assistant Comptroller General, ACG, Customs Board, and immediate past Area Controller, Port Multi-services Terminal Limited, PTML, Command, described Comptroller Mahmud Ibrahim his successor as an experienced officer well exposed in Customs Administration having spent a good number of years at the Customs Headquarters, Abuja, Federal Capital Territory , FCT, and who is excellent in in revenue collection in the different Commands he had worked in the service over the years and unconcompromising in Enforcement’’, he knew what he was talking about.

Barely two weeks on the saddle as the Area Controller of PTML, Command, Comptroller Ibrahim, appears to have sent a message to the importers with their clearing agents taking delivery of their cargoes, particular, vehicles, at PTML, that he is still his old self: uncompromising and difficult to bend. He was said to have carried his traits at Tincan Island Command where he was the Head of the Compliance Unit and Port Harcourt Area II, Command, Onne, where he had serve as the Officer in-charge of the Command exit gate under Comptroller Auwal Mohammed, now overseeing Apapa Customs Command to sanitise PTML.

Informed sources told The Forward News that the PTML, new Area Controller, body language may have told the Freight Forwarders that the era of agents opening and resuming at the Command premises with nothing to do is over.

A visitor to the Command would be surprised that the usual crowd of agents at the Command have disappeared.An agent confirmed that the PTML Customs new Area Controller work in the Command is very pronounced as he had succeeded in sanitizing the Command office.

The Terminal Officials appear to have cued into the Area Controller’s policy as they are no longer allowing the usual crowd into their terminals parading from one office with documents that may not actually belong to them but to use their contacts to facilitate the signing in order to earn a Commission.

Insiders told The online Magazine that some aggrieved agents had demonstrated at one of the Command’s vehicle Terminals around Mile II, recently with the intention to frustrate the Terminal officials from doing their work but that was how far they could go. The protest was said to have been put under control, no sooner it was started, but that did not stop the officers from standing on the mandate of the Area Controller that the right thing must be done.

There are indications that the Command daily revenue has improves going by feelers from the response of the importers with their agents who now heeding to the preaching of the Area Controller to be trade compliant
by making correct declarations and making appropriate duties payment . Those who were said to have dared him would never forget their experience in a hurry as they were said to have been issued with indiscriminate Demand Notice,DN.

Grimaldi Lines, Servicing PTML, With Cargos

A source confirmed that history was about to repeat itself at the Command, as some of agents whose clients have been issued DN, which they had considered outrageous,had tried to use their contacts both within and outside the Command, to get the Area Controller to cancel it and reissue a favourable DN,to them but found it difficult to bend him. It was gathered that his response to those seeking such favours from him is :Go and pay the DN, slammed on your client as it can never be reversed.

Some of the agents whose clients were said have contravened the government Fiscal policy may have realised that Comptroller Ibrahim is working according to the mandate of Hameed Ali, a retired Army Colonel and Comptroller General of the Nigerian Customs Service, NCS, that they have stopped bothering him with such requests but to go and pay the DN, issued without Complaint.
Investigations by The Magazine shows that the most affected are the Vehicle importers, who over the years liked cutting corners.

Many believe that the Customs Comptroller may have known much about the tricks of the vehicle importers to shortchange the government when he was the Officer –in –charge of the Tincan Island Command Compliance unit as he never give a breather to them that even the agents whose clients vehicles were released but had one reason or the other to represent the document to his office for vetting knew that he would always find fault that would warrant him to recommend that a DN, be issued to the importer.

It was not surprising why the PTML, agents, involved vehicle clearing at the Terminal, knew that the game up.It is either they do right thing be prepared to always b be issued with a DN and which must be paid as Comptroller Ibrahim would never go back on his words.Officers who have had the opportunity of working under him over the years but are now at PTML, may have learnt a lot from him that they stand for the right thing to be done as they will never compromise on their job.

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