




The acquisition of expertise in a given field of human Endeavour is not just a bread and butter affair. It is therefore a fact that mediocre or a half-baked practitioner cannot attain the status of the seasoned professional. The extent of career building knitted with impeccable character can give birth to a competent Expert. This kind of person is proactive and versatile. In addition, the expert is also a team player, an achiever and a break of new grounds. All these are the stabilizing props that make such an expert in a focal point and the preferred one when a trusted person is being sought. The Centre-Point or nucleus of the foregoing will help in assessing the man, Commandant Suleiman Agboola Jimoh not only in his present designation as the Commandant Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps Delta State Command but also on his pedigree and antecedent.

Orderliness in the land and conformity to the laws in every given society is paramount to human existence. The whole matter of law, order and conformity, borders on security of lives and properties, protection of National assets and protection of pipelines from vandalism which may make or mar a society depending on how they are being handled. Delta State has come a long way in her Thirty three years of existence as a state. There is the increase in population as a result of migration from the villages to the urban areas. The aftermath of this development is rise in crime rate. These variables have posed serious challenges to the NSCDC and other security operatives in the state. Security is a serious issue all over the world as there is global increase in crime. It is therefore a thing of serious concern to governments, the NSCDC and individuals. The state government is religiously committed to ensuring that the rate of crime in the state is brought to the barest minimum. The Forward News media in discharging its responsibility as the society’s watch-dog was in the Office of the Commandant of Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps Delta State Command, , Commandant Suleiman Agboola Jimoh to x-ray his operational plan and vision in Delta State.



In a nutshell, can you tell us about your profile which consists of your educational background and also mode of your enrollment into service?

My name is Suleiman Agboola Jimoh, I hail from Kwara State, Ilorin. I had my primary education in Ilorin in the year 1978 and my secondary education was in Kwara state in the year 1983 and then proceeded to the University of Ilorin where I obtained my Bachelor degree in the year 1994.

One of your crucial functions of the Corp is to protect pipeline vandalism, provision of constant and effective protection of national assets, protection of lives and properties in conjunction with the NPF. How have you been able to curtail or reduce to the barest minimum the crime rate and other illegal activities in order to achieve your core mandates?

One of our main core mandates is protection of live and property, protection of physical national asset at federal, state and local government. To God be the glory, since my inception as commandant of this state, we have curbed the rate of criminals to the barest minimum. When I came in, I strategized 3 vehicles, one to ughelli, one to Warri and 2 here in Asaba. Coupled with the fact that we have men attached to the intelligence security agencies, which has been helping the team. They do their intelligence for us and we go there to make the arrest. We have had so many arrests within the town and it’s outskirts. Of recent, we have made a great impact in arrest of vandalizes in the state. I can categorically tell you that Delta State seems to be the one that has the lowest rate of vandalism of theft on pipelines all together. We have achieved this due to our corporation and zeal to which I carry my officers during the work. I am someone who is always on the field. I will also want to commend the efforts of the intelligence unit who have been helping us briefly in the aspect of intelligence gathering which helps us in apprehending these people. So I can categorically tell you since my inception last year, we have been going about our best finding these vandalizes.


Since your appointment is to curb the menace of endemic criminal activities, what are your challenges, weakness and as well as successes?

One of the main challenges we have goes down to the aspect of mobility. We don’t have enough vehicles to go to some terrains we are supposed to be. Another challenge is the aspect of Gun boat, we only have one we are using in the state which is attached to the high sea. Of all this challenges, we have made several arrests both on the high sea and on land, most especially on the aspect of mobility that the vandal people carry and most times you see them using Siena or secuda in the night. Most of those arrest, some are under investigation and some are in court as I am speaking. We have made significant impact of arrest of vandals in Delta state.

With the vast evolvement of technology, what can you say about its impact to the command?

One of the major technology we need and our commander general is working towards is in the aspect of getting a drone. Drone would help us greatly in curbing criminalist act. In several of our meetings it has been discussed and there is a big plan for us to have a drone which will help us in the long run most especially in the aspect of high sea vandalism.

Would you say, is the command getting enough support from the state government?

To God be the glory, In their little way, the state government has been reaching to us but we are still praying and hoping that they will be able to help us most especially in the aspect of mobility of which the state governor has promised us all in the state. So we are very optimistic.

What would be your enormous contribution to Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps to clinch this position?

My contribution is that I will be doubling my efforts based on the records we have and what we have been doing. I always tell my officers to double their efforts despite the fact that we are not relenting in curbing this menace which is something that has eaten deep down into the state, it has been on for ages. We are going to try our best to make sure we have zero vandalism on oil pipeline vandalism in the state.

Can you tell us in assessment how much your staff, officers have worked since you came to Delta State command?

I’m an operational based person, I don’t allow my officers to sleep, I have this way of driving my officers to work when I want to do things. Recently, the way and manner I follow up my officers when I give them assignment, I’m not one who will give assignment and go to sleep but I follow it up. So with this, I have been getting enough positive response in terms of getting something done and of which of recent their efforts was crowned in the state. I had one of the highest number of officers being promoted in the state in recent times and it’s due to the efforts they are putting into the work.

It has always been noticed that the NSCDC sent to Delta State command are always well trained, capable and ready to combat all the compatible crime. What is the magic?

The magic is the functional leader that God gave civil defense and that is my commandant general Dr. Ahmed Abubakar OFR,mni . He is somebody with a wide experience in this corps. He started from the scratch to where he is. Partially every month, we go to Abuja for briefings and he is one of our sources of inspiration in terms of the success we have been achieving. He is someone that likes to drive the officers to make sure they achieve the success for the mandate of the core. He is always alert.

We know that you are a very disciplined and proactive commandant. Does this interfere with your family at home?

No, not in anyway. I am a much disciplined person and that discipline goes down to everyone in the core. But I don’t allow the ethics of the job to disturb my home duties.

We have heard lots of prayers said to you, at the end of the day, what would you want to be remembered for?

I want to be remembered for somebody who came, saw and conquered in the state.

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