

The Paradigmatic Difference Of Rt. Hon. Gabriel K. Dewan In The Political Stratosphere Of Plateau State


Political scientists offer varying definitions for the term, ‘politics’ making it easy for everyone to latch on to what validates his standpoint. In Nigeria, Plateau State in particular, the definition which seems to have gained ground over the years is that we see politics as a struggle for power for the purpose of controlling government resources. The definition is however simplistic because it is silent on how power should be used when attained. If political power is used solely for primitive accumulation of wealth, as is the current practice in developing societies such as ours, then the ideal purpose of politics is lost.

Even during the classical days of the Social Contract Theory, the polity rested on a two-sided principles in which the general public on the one hand were to perform civic duties such as voting at elections while on the other hand, those voted into power were expected to develop society and improve the living conditions of the people. It is therefore the duty of those in power in the polity to identify nagging societal issues and address them for the common good of all. Today, he waxes stronger in patriotic currency. A freshly baked Honourable Speaker bedecked in more radiant charisma.

Rt Hon Dewan, is clearly a man from the streets who truly understands the streets and the pains of the common man or woman on the streets. And his recent policy ejaculations, is mixed the fluids of book knowledge and native intelligence, having grown through the ranks to where he is today. He has practically put a human face in governance with street credibility. This unique style of governance is markedly different from what is known in the past and holds great hope for the good people of Plateatu State. His agenda is to prudently build a new Plateau State with endless possibilities for the good people of plateaunans. He is surreptitiously creeping into the consciousness of plateaunans with this unique brand of leadership that essentially has excessive local contents with human face.

Rt Hon Gabriel K. Dewan Is A Politician And Veteran Business Man, Was Born In April 22nd 1993, A Native Of Ngas By Tribe, Where He Hail From Kimat, Wokkos District Of Pankshin Local Government Area Of Plateau State. Having obtained his primary and secondary school Education, he attended Plateau State University, where he obtained a B.Sc (Hons) Political Science. He did his compulsory one National Youth Service corps in Ekiti State where he served, after which he preceded back to prestigious Plateau State University Wokkos where he is studying a Master Degree in International relations and studies. He is the Speaker, Plateau State House of Assembly.

He is a man who is loved by the masses; he has the qualities of leadership, with wide experience in different sectors of life. He has contributed a lot to the development of mankind and to his people inclusively. He has dived into different sectors to savage drowning and also to help upgrade and make life better.

Speaker, Plateau State House Of Assembly Rt Hon. Gabriel K. Dewan With The Forward News Correspondents from Various States During an Interview Session In Plateau State


 Going through your profile earlier on and adding to what you have said, we have seen that you are a vibrant young man who have stood out in the society and also a voice to humanity, what prompted you into this path?

Some says leaders are born or leaders are made but for me, from inception, I have already started leadership right from my primary school down to secondary school where I headed as a school head boy, while in the higher institution I was the class representative, I had so many responsibilities even in the church. I had lived a social life altogether, perhaps I have the feeling that is good for Nigeria leadership to be changed for better and that motivated me to read political science as a course with an intention that I need to be equipped theoretically and practically by venturing into politics which has been my life ambition and looking at how democracy is being practiced in the country. It’s time youth like us come on board to change the scenario. But to be straight forward, what prompted me was when I was in the United Nations Assembly and was privileged to attend a conference in New York City in 2017 and I came in contact with leaders across the globe, representatives of other countries, members of Parliament of 22 to 25 years  from different countries in the western world and then I ask myself, then I was 24 years, and I would say look at my mates who are decision makers and more developed, then why not my own country, this was my first motivation.

Secondly, I was a student of history and I found out that those who made Nigeria independent were youth who were in their  20s and early 30s the likes of Anthony, Balewa, Azikiwe and others, were young people who fought for independence and I think one of the person who was a bit older was Herbert Maculay at the age of 42. And I said if that analog generation can do it then why not this generation where globalization and westernization has taken place. So this motivated me and brought about the need as a youth to contribute my own quota to shapen the democracy in Nigeria.

Lastly, the way our leaders behaved like demi gods when they were actually elected by the people and this same people worship the leaders and I felt bad. This same leaders have forgotten that is the electorate that made them to be where they are and is very bad that Nigerians have turned them to demi gods and so I decided that I must change the status quo by making our people understand that they are the ones to be worshipped and not the other way round, all these and many more prompted me into politics which by his grace has brought me where I am now.

How did you come about with YPP and is it in anyway contradicting to the present ruling party in the State?

Well, I didn’t come under YPP and today I will gladly say in this country, I am the only elected leader that run into all political parties before I found myself where I am. I started my profession under APC, from 2021/2022 I was campaigning under the party at the point I became a stakeholder whereby decision won’t just be taken in my local government without me. When the time was becoming right for me to contest, to their political calculations they said I was too small and they cannot put their ticket, and I felt as a young man that I am, if I see a side that would not favour you, then you have to shift before it shifts you and I had to run away into PDP and they developed their interest in me, though there was opposition from other camp but with my popularity and antecedence i will be the best bet for them to snatch the power from APC, I never knew they were trying to use me for their own interest too. I picked form under PDP, participated in their screening, campaign and primaries under PDP, I lost in the primaries of one vote to my opponent and am the only candidate that contested primaries that all the delegates from my own ward voted against me because of the power brokers from my own ward, PDP leaders who brought their own delegates never wanted me because they see my aspirations as a threat. But even as that, I gave them a very good fight and I was accepted by my people. We were five pushing for PDP tickets  and as at then, I was 29 years while the others where older, it was like I was contesting with my father’s of which some of them have children of my age even though I lost gallantly. But after much consultations, the electorates and the people said is me they want, not the party, is about me as a person. Because they insisted am too young, it prompted me to YPP where they accept young people, then there was nothing like YPP in Plateau State but just my constituency, but since my electorate says they are going to vote me because of who I am and not by party I have no reason than to settle under it, which is on record that I was the only one who contested, I was a one man gang and I won. My victory was so glaring with no opposition of either APC or PDP can afford to challenge me.

For the question of if is contradicting, well today there is a different phase of politics in Plateau State where you see different parties in positions and is only in Plateau that there is no single party leading, but we have the PDP,  APC, Labour and YPP. Because in politics there are interest we pursue which is what is called pre election interest and as a political scientist I can tell you for free that pre election interest is when you struggle for power, you go to any political party to get what you want and when you have gotten what you want then come the post election interest which is The interest of the people and that is what is binding us together as Plateau State. The Governor, the Members and all of us. We have agreed that Plateau supercede our political party interest because party would come and go but Plateau remains. Before the election we were brothers, friends and colleagues, it’s just our various interests that divide us but the same interest has equally joined us together in other to work with the present PDP government. Going forward, what has  binds us together is bigger than the issue of party and in Plateau State which is the unity, progress and growth which is very paramount to human development.

Speaker, Plateau State House Of Assembly Rt Hon. Gabriel K. Dewan Receiving a Meritorious Service Honours From The Publisher/CEO Of The Forward News Media. Comrade Miss Vivien Okafor

Since you assumed of office as the Honourable Speaker, how has the journey been, the roles you and your members have played so far to the benefit of Plateau State, challenges you faced and plans to tackle those issues?

To God be thy glory, since I became the Honourable Speaker I must appreciate my members for their cooperation because what we are facing in this state many spectators are expecting to see war in this complex. This is the only assembly that the sitting Governor have no single member from his party to report him of what is being discussed in the house. Ordinarily in a normal clime in Nigeria politics the Governor could have been sitting on check book but we have a very peaceful state considering where we are coming from and I must say we also have a peaceful assembly motions that  has been passed and in general. In representation of our various constituency and I can tell you for free if not mistaken and not being biased that the Members have performed well in assisting their constituency and making themselves viable to them even though the legislation is about enacting of laws that and are not meant to execute project but I can tell you again that out of the share goodwill of these Honourable Members, each of them have one projects or the other ongoing in their various constituency in different phases like water, medical facilities, schools, empowerment and so on. And the welfare of the assembly members have been taken care of and as far as I am concerned as the Speaker, I must appreciate the government believing that we will continue to enjoy this peaceful state in this assembly.

Seeing the need of being security conscious, base on the casualties that happened late last year and early this year. (But at least we haven’t heard of any attack ever since then, which is a good omen). What and what was put in place during the sensitization program you brought about among each constituency?

When we of security in the State, I must appreciate His Excellency, the  Executive Governor of Plateau State, Barr. Caleb Mutfwang, a gentleman to the core, a man who has seen the future of Plateau and indeed God has been on his side. Like I always says, if I were him, I would have died of heart attack because the pressures and challenges are so enormous. But I cannot authoritatively say these are the plans on ground because is strictly exclusive part of the executives to protect lives and properties, ours is just to advice and to encourage as partners in progress. But to talk of assembly efforts, we facilitated for funds to our Honourable Members to help them go back to their various constituency to create awareness to be security conscious and to stay alert by letting them know that we have an enemy who are after our lives and properties which this awareness have helped a lot of people and we also made the communities to set up committees who would stand as watch men and they rotate their duty to take care of the community. The Members are supportive by making available logistics needed to carry out those assignment, so to God be thy glory we are enjoying the peace and we are praying for more lasting peace because the enemies are not sleeping and definitely,  we will continue to do our best.

Being a philanthropist, you have shown much love and generosity not just to your constituency alone but to people around you which also came about the Dewan Foundation. Aside your Foundation, as a man of the people and working side by side with His Excellency Gov Caleb Mutfwang, Governor of Plateau State, how do you see to the reduction of poverty, unemployment e.t.c in Plateau State?

Well, to be fair with you, when we talk of poverty, lack of education amongs youth in Plateau I must say without mercy Plateau as it stands under this administration have moved from one certain stage to another. When we talk of lack of education, the Governor has offered scholarships to Plateau students home and abroad. Like the Members who are partners in progress with the Governor,myself and other members have offered a lot of scholarships to students to ensure that we see our own youth get knowledge. I given out scholarships to seventy students whom I pay their tuition fees for their complete years in school and they are into various universities like University of Jos, Plateau State University, Keffi, Abuja and those who are into sciences and other professional courses such as medicine, architecture and so on. The reason is to compel the state to having professional in the nearest future. Going back to secondary schools, there have been a lot that is being done by the government by also making our primary schools fees free of charge in order to see that our people have vacuum to access free education, and much effort have been put in place. When we talk of unemployment.

The Governor and the Members are not sleeping, I can tell you for free that even as a Speaker I have no fewer than sixty people under my payroll on a monthly basis all in an effort to get our people off the street, but to have something to rely on. Some members have thirty or more depending on their capacity and there is no member under this assembly that is not paying anyone, you can go and ask, all in good effort to reduce the rate of unemployment. We have also engaged in skill acquisition programs, we have empowered people with cars for those who do logistics business like the charon vehicles, popular ubers, some with bikes and so many. Some are into farming equipments and all these empowerment and assistance are in an effort to reduce the rate of idleness and unemployment in Plateau State and we are not sleeping until we continue to do more.

Base on observation, you have been with the top business men like Mr. Emeka Okonkwo (aka E money), Obi Cubana, and many other business men in Nigeria and it shows you are not just a politician but a dogged business tycoon. Sir, do you love business and if yes, what business do you engage in?

I came from a very remote village where there is no network. Even if I travel to my village you won’t be able to reach me, it is now am making efforts to bring access network in my village. My village a very blessed place whereby is one of the district that produces the highest tomatoes that we consume in Nigeria and if you doubt I can take you to my place so you can see the trailers coming out with tomatoes to go to East, South, West and some part of the North, even outside the country. By his grace I farm, and that has been my business, I engage in other businesses such as the water business even before I thought of contesting for election, am into travel business whereby I bought a lot of motorcycles and gave out to people on a higher purchase, weekly returns and I use it to buy another bike, and that has been sustaining me, the same thing with charon vehicles and most importantly am into printing press as well. when I was contesting for a political position, I have always printed my campaign flyers from my printing press and even exercise books where I share to my people within my constituency, I only order my workers to print out whatever that is being asked of them to print. So basically am into printing, transport, farming, am a jack of all trade whereby I do anything legitimate that will bring food on my table, am eager to do it. As for my connection with E-money, Obi Cubana and others you should remember that E-money is one of the major producer and owner of tin tomatoes and as I told you earlier that am coming from a community that will produce tomatoes in a large quantity perhaps my meeting with him was centered on the discussion of the need to have a tomato processing company within my constituency, ensuring him that if is done since his into it, I can collaborate with him instead of transporting our tomatoes outside for production, is better it turns into a finishing product directly from our constituency. That will also serve as job opportunities for my constituency for those who would be working in the factory and make it easier for them and yield up result. Am bringing him and his team into the state any moment soon to my constituency to make some research if his convinced and impress with what he sees and buys into the idea which I will be ready to offer a portion of land that he desires to set up the factory. For Obi Cubana, just as you know that Jos is a center of tourism and those who knows that Obi Cubana himself is into social life just as clubs and other things and as such, I felt if there is any basic location in this country that need his kind of business, I think is Plateau State where the weather is very cold, come for weekend to relax, spend your money and as a government we get our revenue and the state keep booming, he can come and invest same with E-money and I was very impressed that he knows Jos very well, and his only concerned about insecurity which as a government we are trying to put things together to give him all the needed assurance of safety to his property if invested. So my meeting with some of those business tycoons is to attract business into Plateau State.

Speaker, Plateau State House Of Assembly Rt Hon. Gabriel K. Dewan With The Forward News Correspondents From Various States.

Honourable Speaker, you are young and vibrant, what is your advice to the youth thriving to be somebody and the heights you intend to work towards the betterment of Plateau State during your tenure?

 Now, my advice to the youth of Plateau State is very simple. Firstly, they must be consistent in pursuing their dreams. Secondly, we must be faithful and sincere to our conscience in everything we are doing, perhaps we should not be allowed to be used as thugs for political merchants where all we do is attacking people on social media, writing grants on people but we should pursue a legitimate source of living, shun cultism, drugs, they should drop any criminal activities, as far as Nigeria is concerned Plateau State is known for intellectual capacity and is one of the learned state when it comes to intellectual capacity and so I advice the youth to struggle and go to school to study except they are not ready. Plateau is rich with agriculture, like as I earlier said,  am a farmer and up till now I still farm, like on Friday I was in the southern part of Plateau State where I went to harvest my yam and I farm 16,000 of it and it pays me and as such I advice the youth to engage into it.

I don’t buy rice, because I farm it and I make sure I reserve the ones that can take care of my family for the period of another one year and that has keeps me going very easy and cheap. The youth should shun laziness, idleness, walking on the street cannot help us because is one of the major problems in Plateau State, as it is now, it is on record that am the youngest person to win this election in such position and so if I can do, you as a youth can do the same and push forward and I expect that by 2027 where  we will have more youth in this our chamber so that we can discuss about the future of us. I still have a long way to go which I know am still pursuing for more progress to achieve and safe guard my future by setting a good foundation and I urge the youth to take their destinies in their hands, pray to God to unlock their destinies by getting the package God gave to them right from their creation. We have different stars, destinies and portions from God so instead of fighting your own fellow, because many of them feel someone success is a road block to them and a lot of things, but rather pray to God Almighty to unlock your destiny in order to enjoy them before God calls you home.

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