


A remarkable feature of the government under the leadership of His Excellency, Rt. Hon. (Elder) Sheriff F.O. Oborevwori of Delta State for which it will for long be acknowledged is the historical opportunity given to feminine gender to distinguish them in public governance in Delta State.

To its credit, Sheriff Oborevwori’s administration successfully unveiled a rare class of seasoned professionals amazons that distinguished themselves in all sphere of co-operate and public governance in Nigeria. Interestingly, when some of their male counter-parts were grossly found wanting, these great ambassadors of the Nigerian, and indeed Delta womanhood rose to the occasion and excelled exceedingly beyond all expectations. A virtuous woman , a woman who is the Ag Chairman, State Civil Service Commission, Delta State. A woman full with vigor and energy, hardworking, honest and transparent one, she is a woman of integrity and purpose for life, she is an expert dealing on Civil Service matters, one with a heart of a lion, blessed with the gift of counseling.

She has distinguished herself very well in effectively piloting the affairs of Delta State Civil Service Commission that every Tom, Dick Harry proud to be associated with. A well loved personality, in the Civil Service is evident with her everyday growing of her rising intimidating credentials for all to see and admires. She is a woman of humble, simple, erudite personality who has no room for hatred. She has indeed strengthened the Delta State Civil Service Commission through collaboration with transparency and other key stakeholders in seeing that there is no room for corruption.

A very devoted Christian with fear of God in all her dealings with others; she is a highly certified known philanthropist and social crusader. Her monumental achievements in the Delta State Civil Service Commission while as the Ag Chairman and 1st member and other previous positions headed attested to remarkable managerial integrity that has made her a model of excellence and pride of the Nigerian womanhood.


Can You Tell Us Your Profile?

Lady (Chief) Roseline Eno Amioku (JP) is the 1st Member of the Commission. She is an accomplished educationist who started her teaching profession as a Grade II Teacher in the early 80sand grew to the rank of Principal Merit Grade, SGL 16 between 1981 and 2014.

Education: She had her primary and secondary education in Convent primary School and Chude Girls Grammar School both in Sapele between 1959 and 1973. She proceeded to St. Michael’s teaching Training College, Oleh where she bagged the Teachers Certificate Grade II (1979-1980). As a young educationist not satisfied with her level of education, she further topped her educational qualification with an NCE from the College of Education, Agbor and a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Education from the then Bendel State University (now Ambrose Alli University), Ekpoma, in 1985 and 1991 respectively. Equipped with these training, she gave her best to the teaching profession and in 2005 became a certified registered member of the Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria.

Political Life: To prove that she have been noticed as an educationist and administrator with proven ability and dexterity, she was appointed Chairman, Governing Council of the Institute of Continuing Education (I.C.E.), Delta State (2013-August 2015), a position she occupied until her appointment as a Member of the Civil Service Commission in September 2015-2020, and re-appointment from October 2020-Date. Currently she is the Ag. Chairman of the Commission.An ardent humanitarian and dedicated Christian of the Roman Catholic Faith, Lady (Chief) Roseline Eno Amioku is a lady Knight of the Noble Order of St. John International. She also holds the traditional title of the Ebrurho Of Okpe Kingdom (Blessing to the Okpe People). Needless to mention that she is a recipient of numerous awards within the teaching, Christian and political terrain and have been an active PDP member in various capacities since 1999.She was married to Late Sir (Chief) Tom Oritseminome Amioku and they are blessed with six children.

ENO AMIOKU (JP) with The Forward News Correspondents after the interaction session

Modus Operandi Of The Civil Service Commission?

The Civil Service Commission is saddled with the core responsibilities of recruitment, promotions, advancement, discipline, transfer, (inter-state, inter-service, inter-cadre) secondment, withdrawal, and retirement of officers of the State Civil Service. It manages the career of Civil Servant in the State in conjunction with the Office of the Head of Service.The Commission in carrying out the above mentioned responsibilities relies mostly on the following documents;

(a.) The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria;

(b.) The Delta State Civil Service Commission Regulations (2019);

(c.) The Delta State Public Service Rules;

(d.) The Schemes of Service for use in the Civil Service of the Federation of Nigeria;

(e.) The Financial Regulation;

(f.) Guides to Administrative procedures in the Public Service; and

(g.) Establishment’s circulars and others relevant Service documents that are in use from time to time.

How Does The Commission Ensure Transparency And Fairness In The Recruitment And Selection Process?

The commission follows the official guidelines as laid down for recruitment in the federation. That is while ensuring that the best hands are selected, the 25 LGA s in the State should be fairly represented as well as gender balance.

What Measures Are In Place To Prevent Corruption And Nepotism Within The Civil Service Of Delta State?

The Administration of His Excellency, Rt. Hon. (Elder) Sheriff F.O. Oborevwori has zero tolerance to corruption and nepotism. He has reiterated this in several flora and so all arms of government within the State must key-in and ensure that this is achieved. Several training and re-training are already taking place for a re-orientation and besides, the rules and regulations are there to guide, deter and enforcement compliance. The Commission is part and parcel of this administration and so part of the process to ensure compliance.

Challenges Currently Faced By The Commission And How They Are Being Addressed?

Currently the only little challenge is the non-availability of vehicles. The Commission has enjoyed the magnanimity of the immediate past and present Administrations in the area of provision of a befitting Ultra-modern office complex which has permanently solved the issue of office accommodation, furniture and equipment that has been a bane of the Commission since State creation.

Promoting Professionalism And Capacity Building Amongst Civil Servants?

In an effort geared towards the attainment of increased productivity, building and retaining a virile Civil Service, the Commission introduced and retained over the years, the mandatory attendanceof a Refresher Course cum Promotion Examination. Only officers who pass the examination (which is taken after the refresher course) and demonstrate proven competence on the job (as the examination is substantially job-related) are eligible for promotion. Capacity building is a continuous process as the Commission always liaise with Office of the Head of Service in ensuring that training and re-training of staff is top-notch.

Handling Of Complaints Or Grievances Raised Against Civil Servants Or The Service?

Just like Civil Servants have an avenue to petition about matters concerning them, so does the public. We have Complaint box station in the Commission for such purposes and complaints received are treated as they come.

Digital Initiatives Implemented By The Commission To Improve Service Delivery?

Electronic Database Data Centre: The Commission developed an electronic database of all civil servants in the State, which is safely stored in the Commission Data Centre. This has improved

(i.) Keeping of up to date data of all officers

(ii.) Inputting of promotion earned by officers

(iii.)  Forestalling of arbitrary changing of dates of birth

(iv) Automatic pop-up of names of officers due for retirement

(v.) The 6-months’ notice to retiring officers to enable them to prepare for exit from the service

Mini e-library: The Commission also have a mini e-library that can provide officers in the Commission access to essential books required for research and decision making.

Collaboration With Other Government Departments And Agencies To Harmonize Policies And Ensure A Cohesive Administration?

The role the Civil Service in governance amongst other things is to formulate, advice, and implement government policies and programmes as well as ensuring continuity, stability, and accountability of government. The Commission, being one of the organs of government whose power originates from the Constitution (some of which it delegates to the Office of the Head of Service and other Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs)), is part and parcel of every administration and so part of the process to ensure government policies are in tandem with the wishes of the people as it must serve as a bridge between the government and the people.

Life Principles Guiding My Journey In Life And Advise To Women Who Hope To Be Women Of Substance?

I believe that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. My guiding principles include total reliance on Him, empathy, integrity, hard work, resilience, due diligence and effective execution through effective delegation of duties. These and some many other. God-fearing principles and virtues are required by women to be in the top echelon now and in the future.

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